A Gentler Approach to Fitness

While everyone is het up about high-intensity workouts, medical and fitness professionals opine that these may not be good for those with stress and cardiac issues.


It’s easy to think that high-impact workouts are the best way to achieve a strong, streamlined physique. Modern media has shown the virtue of working out hard: you see sequences featuring men pumping iron at the gym, women sweating it out at an aerobics studio, or people giving it their all in group classes featuring exercise machines like stationary bikes or rowing devices.



However, do high-impact workouts work for everyone? If you ask the experts, it’s not.


The Problem with High Impact Workouts

You can have too much of a good thing, and that also applies to your workout routine.


While hard workouts are great for stamina training, improving muscle tone, and weight loss, going too hard can lead to joint issues and injuries and may negatively impact those with underlying cardiovascular conditions.



Likewise, the pressure of measuring the impact of your performance at every workout may take its toll on your mental health, causing issues with confidence and self-esteem.


Try a Gentler Approach

Many fitness buffs laugh at tai chi as a geriatric exercise, but it’s actually a great way to get all your muscles moving without subjecting them to jarring, repetitive movement. Tai chi is also an excellent option for improving one’s sense of balance and control.


Tai Chi


Yoga, with its mix of meditation and physical exertion, is another great alternative. Not only will you be able to limber up your body, but you can also relax your mind for an hour or so.



No time to work out? We have a solution for that with the Vital Dome. One of the gentlest alternatives currently available, 40 minutes in the Dome enables you to take a restful break while purging your body of harmful toxins. The rapid regenerative effect activated by the Far Infrared rays generated within the Dome also help your metabolism, promoting healthier weight management.



Know more at https://vitaldomeglobal.com.